Planning originally for a
Florida show, I thought of
the many shades of blue and
turquoise that are found in
the southern seas and skies,
both in the Pacific and the
Caribbean oceans.
Woven on an AVL loom, and on
16 shafts, the threading
structure of this costume is
called “Shadow Weave”. It is
traditionally woven with
very fine threads, producing
a very small pattern. By
using heavier perle cottons,
the patterns become more
definite. The small, white
stone beads of birds also
remind me of the tropics and
its colorful and varied
One wonders about the
strange and mysterious forms
of life in those deep,
turquoise waters. The
circular acrylic “skins”
contain shells, fish beads,
and weird shapes. Nothing
like making up your own
forms of creatures!